How to Encourage Church Members Who Serve Behind the Scenes

Published: Oct. 10, 2023, 10 a.m.

\\nThom and Sam received a question from a regular listener. Henry from Ontario wanted to know how pastors can best recognize faithful members serving in areas of the church that are often unnoticed. For example, the only time the church notices the tech team is when something goes wrong in the worship service. Most people who serve behind the scenes do not want public recognition. How can the church honor them?
\\n \\t
\\n \\tManagement by walking around still works well in the church.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tThanking people in casual conversations is often the most genuine approach.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tInvite long-time volunteers to your home for dinner, dessert, or coffee.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tSometimes public recognition is warranted even for introverts.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tWhen doing recap videos for worship services or social media, include those who are in non-visible roles.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tHand-written notes still mean a lot to everyone.
\\n \\t
\\n \\tOffer to send key volunteers to a conference for development and equipping.
\\n \\t* California Baptist University Pre-College Credit
\\n \\tCourage For Life Study Bible
\\n \\tCourage For Life Study Bible for Men
\\n \\t* Courage For Life Study Bible for Women
\\n \\t* Tyndale House Publishers
\\n \\t* Church Answers Platinum Membership
\\n \\t* The Hope Initiative
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\\nEpisode Sponsors:
\\nEligible high schoolers can earn college credit online, the first class is free (not including books and course materials), and they get a significant discount ($166 per credit vs. $613 per credit) for every subsequent class. They can choose from more than 30 available courses. Here are just a few additional details not included on the flier:
\\n \\t
\\n \\tThis program is open to third-culture kids, homeschool students, private and public school students, etc.
\\n \\tStudents can start during any eight-week session \\u2013 summer, fall, spring, each semester has two sessions as indicated on the flier
\\n \\tThe first-class free offer is limited. I do not yet know for how long, but we should market it as temporary for now.
\\n \\tMany students have successfully completed courses during their normal school year. Classes are asynchronous, so they can access course materials at their convenience.
\\n \\tSometimes universities have similar programs and they make classes specific for high school students \\u2013 HS students sitting with other HS students. In our program, participants sit in on real college courses, with actual college student peers. They get the real deal through our experience.

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