Navigating Sexuality and Identity with Our Children

Published: March 9, 2021, 8 a.m.

navigating-sexuality-and-identity-with-our-childrenAs sexuality and gender continue to expand and be more fluid, it can be hard to catch up as a parent with what our kids identify as.

As sexuality and gender continue to expand and be more fluid, it can be hard to catch up as a parent with what our kids identify as.

Here to help us break down all of these terms and identities is Dr. Naveen Mehrotra, he is a board-certified pediatrician with a special interest in child development and early Intervention. He utilizes his interest in complementary and alternative medicine to bring an integrated approach to improving a child's health. 

He talks about what he sees in his own practice when it comes to sexuality and sex, pronouns, and making sure they are supported and understood in their journey.