Radio Berkman 167: The Ghost of Video Future

Published: May 21, 2012, 10:31 p.m.

The future of video lies within our grasp, people. Powerful new technologies and web services are available that not only make video available anytime, anywhere, but also make sharing and creating easier than ever, all over the world. Think of the smartphone revolution; the explosion in high bandwidth connectivity; and the millions of channels available to make your video available to your friends, or the world. But this future is still elusive at best. Think of remixers sued for using copyrighted content; the fact that most networks in the world are still choked or filtered; and a simple, but threatening lack of media literacy. Today we report back from a conference meant to redefine the future of video for the good. The 2nd Annual Open Video Conference brought together filmmakers, students, thinkers, inventors, hackers, businessfolks, and lawyers for panels, screenings, performances, and exhibits, all focused on the future of video. We talked with Tiffiniy Cheng and Holmes Wilson, co-founders of the Participatory Culture Foundation, about some technologies in the works to make video more accessible. We spoke with keynote presenter Adam Chodikoff, senior producer of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, about the value of the mainstream media. And we put together our own ad hoc panel to help us define what Open Video means and how we can get it.