715-Friday Q&A: Credit Card Annual Fees, Like-Kind Exchanges, What To Do Next After Debt, Side Businesses, etc.

Published: April 17, 2020, 10:57 p.m.

It's Friday! On today's live Q&A show we discuss:

  • 1:10 Should I keep a credit card with an annual fee because it helps my credit score?
  • 5:22 Should I pay off my mortgage right now or wait so I can invest in rental real estate?
  • 10:59 Will the rental market be in demand again in the future?
  • 12:22 Should I refinance my 15-year mortgage to a 30-year in order to have more cashflow?
  • 15:20 What should a Radical Personal Finance live event look like?
  • 23:47 Should I do a like-kind exchange right now or sell the property, pay the tax, and wait for the market to decline?
  • 41:43 I'm 28 and just got out of debt. What should I do next?
  • 59:26 How should I start a side business while simultaneously working a high-profit day job?