The Gospel of Queer Community John 1:29-42

Published: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

b'In this week\\u2019s Gospel we explore Jesus\\u2019 invitation to \\u201ccome and see\\u201d and how that might resonate with queer communities. \\nIn this week\\u2019s episode, we unveil our new, longer format podcast! You get more about what we\\u2019re up to, hear a listener question, and of course we queer a text!\\xa0\\nIn this episode, we:\\n\\nTalk about the new website and what\\u2019s coming up with Queer Theology [starting at 0:35]\\nTalk about what\\u2019s going on in our personal lives [starting at 2:22]\\nAnswer a reader question about books for young people wanting to know more about sexual identity [starting at 6:19]\\nShare about the online community and things that are coming up next [starting at 11:12]\\nQueer the Gospel of John and talk about the good news of queer community [starting at 12:13]\\n\\n \\nIf you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at\\nIf you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to (more deets in the ep)\\n \\nLinks Mentioned in this episode:\\n\\nMiseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth\\nThe God Box by Alex Sanchez\\nPride: Celebrating Diversity and Community by Robin Stevenson\\nLumberjanes comic series by Noelle Stevenson, et al.\\nWhen Kids Ask Hard Questions: Faith-Filled Responses for Tough Topics by Bromleigh McCleneghan and Karen Ware Jackson\\nBetter Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle\\n\\n \\nOther Podcast Mentioned in this episode:\\nParenting Forward by Cindy Wang Brandt\\nEpisode Transcript\\nBrian: Welcome to the Queer Theology podcast!\\nFr. Shay: Where each episode, we take a queer look at the week\\u2019s lectionary readings. We\\u2019re the co-founders of and the hosts for this podcast. I\\u2019m Father Shay Kearns\\xa0\\nB: And I\\u2019m Brian G. Murphy.\\nB: Hello, hello, hello! Today is Sunday, January 19, 2020, and today is also the first episode of our newly reformatted Queer Theology podcast.\\xa0\\nFS: Yay!!! So exciting!\\nB: So bear with us as we might hit some road bumps, speed bumps along the way as we dive into this new format, but we’re excited to expand the podcast a little bit, feature some more of you, have extended episodes. So remember, if you would like to be featured on the podcast if you have a question, a topic, a Bible passage that you want us to talk about, email us at We also have a new website coming up very soon thanks to all of the supporters on Patreon. Shay, what are your thoughts on this new website?\\nFS: I am so excited. What we’ve been hearing for quite a long time is that people have had trouble finding things on the website or they’ve been looking for specific resources, and you and I knew that we had created them, but even we couldn’t always find them. So we’re super excited to roll out this new website and it’s really designed to help walk folks through, meet with folks wherever they are on their journey and kind of walk them through the next steps. So there is a really slick homepage that you can kinda select, here’s where I’m at, I’m looking for affirmation. Or I know that it’s okay to be gay, but I wanna figure out how my sexuality, my spirituality interact. Or I’m a religious leader and I need some resources to do that work better. So super excited about that, it’s gonna be really exciting for people. It’s gonna be exciting for us to be able to point you to new stuff and everything’s gonna be right there. It’s gonna be great!\\nB: Yeah! I’m excited as well. And also, how’s your January going so far?\\nFS: It’s fine. [laughs] It is very cold in Minnesota and Brian you’ve been sending me screenshots of the weather in LA which is not helping. And so that’s making me a little crabby…\\nB: Okay, I’m gonna stop doing that.\\nFS: Yeah. It’s January Minnesota so things are… yeah, it’s winter.\\nB: I̵'