Knowledge Not Shame Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

Published: March 1, 2020, 11:55 a.m.

b'In today\\u2019s episode, we answer a question from Jesse who asked us what kind of historical context do we need to look into in order for us to appreciate the message that the Bible authors are trying to communicate?\\nWe also queered Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 which is basically about the original sin: God\\u2019s warning, the snake\\u2019s temptation, and the woman giving in to the temptation. But in queering this text, we are reminded that there is nothing shameful about our bodies. The man and woman clothing themselves have nothing to do with shame, but it was because of their newfound knowledge and understanding of the world.\\nEpisode TranscriptBrian: Welcome to the Queer Theology podcast!\\nFr. Shay: Where each episode, we take a queer look at the week\\u2019s lectionary readings. We\\u2019re the co-founders of and the hosts for this podcast. I\\u2019m Father Shay Kearns\\nB: And I\\u2019m Brian G. Murphy.\\nFS: Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to the Queer Theology podcast. This is the podcast for Sunday, March 1st and we are super excited to be back with you again. But before we dive in Brian, I would love to hear what\\u2019s going on in your world.\\nB: Oh! It is the \\u201cthick of winter\\u201d and I don\\u2019t mean to brag, I know you hate this, but it is so nice here in Los Angeles, but more specifically, I\\u2019ve been reflecting on my own mental health journey. Some of you may recall I get really bad seasonal affective disorder in the winter, or at least I used to in New York City. I\\u2019ve noticed this winter, a few times where I\\u2019ve been what I would describe as depressed, and I\\u2019m… Oh, being in warm weather doesn\\u2019t magically solve my depression, but I can feel like\\u2026 Oh, this is what used to happen in New York and then this would set me into a spiral that would knock me on my ass for a month, or two. And now, it knocks me on my ass for a day or two. So that has been like nice to know that this thing that I was able to do — move, which not everyone can do has been helpful for my mental health. Also, a reminder that there\\u2019s not any one magic solution that – just moving is not going to fix, I\\u2019m still prone to depression and I still need to talk about my feelings, and do other types of self-care practices, and I have on my list to try and find a specialist that I can afford with my crappy health insurance. Because I know even though it\\u2019s better than it was before, I know that it could still be better. It\\u2019s always a process which sometimes I just wanna have arrived, and be \\u201cfixed\\u201d and it\\u2019ll all just be easy, but it\\u2019s nice to be easier. I\\u2019m also looking into a psychiatrist to get back on some medication that I used to be on that I had a store of that I\\u2019m now on and so yeah.\\xa0\\nThe health insurance industry in America is just bananas. I posted about this on our Instagram stories about medication both as a sacrament, and also LGBTQ healthcare as a Christian issue. The world is a mess and I wish healthcare was easier, but I am thankful for the ways in which I\\u2019ve been able to improve over the past year. So that\\u2019s what I\\u2019m doing on these days. What about you?\\nFS: Yeah, so I have just started assistant directing a musical, of all things here in Minneapolis, which is wild! It\\u2019s very much not my typical wheel house, I don\\u2019t really do musicals. But this is a really interesting and fascinating piece about what it means to be trans, what it means to be an Asian-American person, what it means to be finding your identity. So it\\u2019s a really beautiful piece. I\\u2019m excited to be a part of it. It\\u2019s opening in March here. So it\\u2019s gonna be fun. It\\u2019s nice to be in a different role in a theater production. Usually, I\\u2019m either a writer or just producing work. So this gets me to be in the mix with the actors a little bit. So it\\u2019s been a fun adventure so far. I\\u2019m glad that I get the opportunity to do that. It\\u2019s at a theater that I\\u2019ve been working with in Minneapolis as their trans-advisory council liaison. Which is just a fancy word for getting a bunch of trans people together to help them thi'