God is in the Margins John 4:5-42

Published: Aug. 13, 2019, 3:28 p.m.

b'Fr. Shay is away on a writer\\u2019s retreat so we\\u2019re taking another listen to one of our all-time most popular episodes. Everything we talk about is critical to understanding the Bible and that makes it particularly timely as we are getting ready to open up registration for an online course + group discussion on how to read the Bible. You can hop on the waitlist for that here (we\\u2019ll give you first dibs at joining since we\\u2019ve sold out these types of courses in the past AND you\\u2019ll get a special discount)\\nEpisode Transcript\\nBrian: Welcome to the Queer Theology podcast!\\nFr. Shay: Where each episode, we take a queer look at the week\\u2019s lectionary readings. We\\u2019re the co-founders of QueerTheology.com and the hosts for this podcast. I\\u2019m Father Shay Kearns\\xa0\\nB: And I\\u2019m Brian G. Murphy.\\nB: Hello, hello, hello. Today is Sunday, August 11th and we are doing something a little different and a little special. If you haven\\u2019t already picked up on it, it\\u2019s just me right now. Shay is on a queer writer\\u2019s retreat and we got our dates mixed up and realized that we don\\u2019t have a podcast episode planned out for today. So I dug into our archives and found one of our most popular episodes of all time. It\\u2019s from a few years ago so you may not have heard it yet, so I\\u2019m excited to share that with you today. In this episode, we really get into it. We take a look at how there\\u2019s more to the story than meets the eye sometimes. We get into gender and sexual scandal, and how God is found in the margins. All of that is critical to understanding the Bible. So I\\u2019m excited to dig into this episode with you again today.\\xa0\\nI also have a special announcement, you\\u2019re one of the firsts to hear if you\\u2019re listening to this podcast. We are very, very soon \\u2013 within the next week or two, we are going to be opening up registration for an online group course and discussion on how to read the Bible. If you\\u2019re inspired by this episode and you want to learn how to do that even better, you can go to\\xa0 queertheology.com/biblewaitlist. To learn more, get on the waitlist. You\\u2019ll be the first to hear about it. We\\u2019ve sold out these types of things in the past, and you\\u2019ll also be able to grab a discount for registering early. I think like as folks, that some of us have grown up as Christians our whole lives and are familiar reading the Bible. And for those of us queer, have been attack by the Bible it can feel like we\\u2019ve gotten a master class in reading the Bible. And while that\\u2019s partly true, there\\u2019s also so much more that goes into how the Bible is created, how the Bible was intended, how the Bible has been used over time, and how much more you can get out of the BIble if you have just a little bit more knowledge and background, and sort of more formalized training. So we are excited to really share this with you. Again, you can hop on the waitlist at\\xa0 queertheology.com/biblewaitlist you\\u2019ll be the first to find out. And without further ado, let\\u2019s jump into this week\\u2019s episode.\\n \\nIt\\u2019s the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman by the well. If you\\u2019re not familiar with that story, head on over to QueerTheology.com/171 to read it, and then come back.\\xa0\\n \\n\\u201cHe came to a Samaritan city called Sychar, which was\\nnear the land Jacob had given to his son Joseph.\\nJacob\\u2019s well was there. Jesus was tired from his\\njourney, so he sat down at the well. It was about noon.\\nA Samaritan woman came to the well to draw water.\\nJesus said to her, \\u2018Give me some water to drink.\\u2019 His\\ndisciples had gone into the city to buy him some food.\\n \\n\\u201cThe Samaritan woman asked, \\u2018Why do you, a Jewish\\nman, ask for something to drink from me, a Samaritan\\nwoman?\\u2019 (Jews and Samaritans didn\\u2019t associate with\\neach other.)\\n \\n\\u201cJesus responded, \\u2018If you recognized God\\u2019s gift and who\\nis saying to you, \\u201cGive me some water to drink,\\u201d you\\nwould be asking him and he would give you living\\nwater.\\u2019\\n \\n\\u201cThe woman said to him, \\u2018Sir, you don\\u2019t have a bucket\\nand the well is deep. Where would you get this living\\nwater? You aren'