Depressed Psalm 42-43

Published: June 23, 2019, 10:55 a.m.

b'Depression is a difficult topic to discuss; while folks are (thankfully) talking about mental health more and more, there is still stigma even to this day. So it feels great to be able to see these issues explored in scripture. What\\u2019s better is that Psalm 42-43 tells us that we have the power to do something about it instead of the usual \\u201csuck it up\\u201d. Stay tuned to hear more about what we think about today\\u2019s passage.\\nEpisode TranscriptBrian: Welcome to the Queer Theology podcast!\\nFr. Shay: Where each episode, we take a queer look at the week\\u2019s lectionary readings. We\\u2019re the co-founders of and the hosts for this podcast. I\\u2019m Father Shay Kearns\\nB: And I\\u2019m Brian G. Murphy.\\nFS: Welcome to the Queer Theology podcast. It is Sunday, June 23rd and today, we are going to look at Psalm 42 and 43. Which is one of the texts for today, and I\\u2019m gonna go ahead and read it before we jump in.\\nJust like a deer that craves streams of water,\\nmy whole being craves you, God.\\nMy whole being thirsts for God, for the living God.\\nWhen will I come and see God\\u2019s face?\\nMy tears have been my food both day and night,\\nas people constantly questioned me,\\n\\u201cWhere\\u2019s your God now?\\u201d\\nBut I remember these things as I bare my soul:\\nhow I made my way to the mighty one\\u2019s abode,\\nto God\\u2019s own house,\\nwith joyous shouts and thanksgiving songs\\u2014\\na huge crowd celebrating the festival!\\nWhy, I ask myself, are you so depressed?\\nWhy are you so upset inside?\\nHope in God!\\nBecause I will again give him thanks,\\nmy saving presence and my God.\\nMy whole being is depressed.\\nThat\\u2019s why I remember you\\nfrom the land of Jordan and Hermon,\\nfrom Mount Mizar.\\nDeep called to deep at the noise of your waterfalls;\\nall your massive waves surged over me.\\nBy day the Lord commands his faithful love;\\nby night his song is with me\\u2014\\na prayer to the God of my life.\\nI will say to God, my solid rock,\\n\\u201cWhy have you forgotten me?\\nWhy do I have to walk around,\\nsad, oppressed by enemies?\\u201d\\nWith my bones crushed, my foes make fun of me,\\nconstantly questioning me: \\u201cWhere\\u2019s your God now?\\u201d\\nWhy, I ask myself, are you so depressed?\\nWhy are you so upset inside?\\nHope in God!\\nBecause I will again give him thanks,\\nmy saving presence and my God.\\nEstablish justice for me, God!\\nArgue my case against ungodly people!\\nRescue me from the dishonest and unjust!\\nBecause you are my God, my protective fortress!\\nWhy have you rejected me?\\nWhy do I have to walk around,\\nsad, oppressed by enemies?\\nSend your light and truth\\u2014those will guide me!\\nLet them bring me to your holy mountain,\\nto your dwelling place.\\nLet me come to God\\u2019s altar\\u2014\\nlet me come to God, my joy, my delight\\u2014\\nthen I will give you thanks with the lyre,\\nGod, my God!\\nWhy, I ask myself, are you so depressed?\\nWhy are you so upset inside?\\nHope in God!\\nBecause I will again give him thanks,\\nmy saving presence and my God.\\nB: Ooohhh!!\\nFS: Yeah!\\nB: Yeah! I am so thankful for this passage. As someone who suffers from depression, it\\u2019s so beautiful and amazing to see the word depressed in scripture. And to see someone, that sort of saying, \\u201cMy whole being is depressed. Why are you so depressed?\\u201d I relate to this.\\nFS: Yeah!\\nB: Yeah! This is real! The Bible is real!\\nFS: And I also think about the fact that this is probably a worship song. Especially with that refrain that echoes over and over again. What would it have meant to me as a depressed teenager, in particular, to have gotten to sing a song like this on Sunday mornings instead of the if-you\\u2019re-not-happy-your-faith-must-not-that-strong-enough worship songs of my youth.\\nB: Like you\\u2019re so great. Everything is great. I\\u2019m great. You\\u2019re amazing. Everything is wonderful. This is so great!\\nFS: Yeah! And if it isn\\u2019t, Jesus is gonna fix it in a second \\u2014 so be happy!\\nB: Yeah, absolutely! And I think this pairs well with the passage that we were talking about last week \\u2014 suffering. Last week we were talking about suffering under empire, and there\\u2019s some sort of suffering under \\u2014 it might be some sort of chemical depression, s'