#300: LGBTQ Christian Progress Matthew 7, Genesis 32:22-31

Published: Oct. 27, 2019, 10:55 a.m.

b'300 episodes. We can hardly believe it.\\nIn this week\\u2019s episode, we reflect on the past 6 years of QueerTheology.com, what the LGBTQ Christian space was like back then, how it\\u2019s changed, and what we\\u2019re looking forward to in the future.\\nWe give a queer take on each of our favorite Bible passages (of course!).\\nAnd we get vulnerable and share how we need some help from you.\\nSubscribe on Apple Podcasts,\\xa0Google Podcasts,\\xa0Sticher, and\\xa0Spotify\\nEpisode Transcript\\nBrian: Welcome to the Queer Theology podcast!\\n \\nFr. Shay: Where each episode, we take a queer look at the week\\u2019s lectionary readings. We\\u2019re the co-founders of QueerTheology.com and the hosts for this podcast. I\\u2019m Father Shay Kearns\\xa0\\n \\nB: And I\\u2019m Brian G. Murphy.\\n \\nOMG, you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. This is episode 300 of Queer Theology Podcast.\\n \\nFS: 300!\\n \\nB: Episode 300. Shay, can you even believe it?\\n \\nFS: Cannot believe it. This is wild. 300 episodes. It\\u2019s been so much fun. It feels like we just started, and it also feels like we\\u2019ve been doing this forever.\\n \\nBS: For our entire lives, yeah.\\n \\nFS: Yes. It\\u2019s wonderful all around. So happy 300 to you, Brian, and to all of our listeners. We\\u2019re so grateful for all of your support over these many, many years. This is the sixth year of Queer Theology.\\n \\nB: Happy episode 300 to you, as well. When we started this 300 episodes ago, you were like, let\\u2019s start a weekly Bible podcast. And podcasts were not nearly as popular, and also people weren\\u2019t doing seasons. So we just dove right into a weekly podcast, and it just kept on going and going and going.\\n \\nWe found out recently that this is the longest running LGBTQ Christian podcast, which is really cool and an honor. And so we\\u2019re going to talk about the Bible in this episode, but also we want to take some time to reflect on the past six years.\\n \\nSo Shay, what is this past six years meant to you?\\n \\nFS: Yeah, it\\u2019s wild to think about what was happening in the LGBTQ Christian space six years ago.\\n \\nB: Oh my God, I know.\\n \\nFS: Right? Yeah, so six years, so 2013. And at that point when you and I came up with this idea to start this website and also the podcast: the podcast was one of the first things that we started along with the website, was this sense that there were only two things really happening. There was apologetics work, like looking at those seven clobber passages.\\n\\n \\nB: Yeah, is it okay to be LGBT? Sort of always defending yourself against these, like you were saying, seven passages. That people have been doing for decades, right?\\n \\nFS: Always, always, always. So there was that work. And then there was like queer theology work that was happening in academia that was amazing and life giving and totally unaccessible to anyone.\\n \\nB: Very dry, very dense.\\n \\nFS: Yeah. And so we wanted to step into this space of like we believe that we can set aside the \\u201cis it okay?\\u201d conversation, like we\\u2019re done with that.\\n \\nB: Spoiler alert.\\n \\nFS: And we can create life-giving resources that are accessible to everyone. So when you look around now and you see all of these books, none of that existed six years ago. We were really the first people in that space to do this kind of accessible queer theology work. And it\\u2019s been so beautiful to watch it grow and to watch people find life in it.\\n \\nB: It was lonely in the beginning.\\n \\nFS: It was so lonely.\\n \\nB: A lot of people didn\\u2019t get it, a lot of people thought that we were too far out there, that we needed to be more patient. There were no other sort of popular podcasts, or like you were saying, books or YouTube channels, and so we got a lot of flack for presenting this sort of bold, justice-oriented, queer and trans centered, body positive, sex positive, radically inclusive version of Christianity. And taking the text each week and giving it a queer take, and looking at the clobber passages, but from a completely different perspe'