why the real last hedge XMR outperforms Bitcoin 3 times

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 8:28 p.m.

Here is an article that was noted in my Facebook group. There will be some form of a financial reset thanks to this pandemic as defined by the International Money Fund. It will involve some central based rules on Digital Currency issued by central banks. This is why they are threatened by the original concepts of crypto coins like Bitcoin. So now they want to control and the access of point of it. As you know. Bitcoin (BTC) is now old as compared to a better alternatives like Monero (XMR).




XMR is not centrally controlled or owned so central banks and the IMF are threatened by it. Did you know the US Internal Revenue Service put a bounty on cracking the algo of private or anonymous coins like Zcash and Monero? Why do you think that is? And no, this has nothing to do with crime syndicates like they want you to believe.


You should be more concerned about your financial liberty as opposed to your local central bank having the ability to track your transactions. Why do you think they are threatened by private coins?


This does not take into consideration in how governments are getting desperate to subsidize their huge national debts which few talk about. They will need to implement higher tax rates as well to track your private transactions. I am quite surprised ignorant major media pundits are trying normalize this situation and vilify wealthy for wanting to preserve their capital.


Either way, you choose which way you go but there will be some form of financial reset to bring back control your government/central banks will have over you. Why do you think Monero has outperformed Bitcoin double or even triple depending on what time frame you look at? XMR/Monero appears to be the only true last hedge out there in this financial calamity!






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