Screw Google Cloud AWS for simple no dependency Pub Sub messaging with Python Flask

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 8:02 a.m.

I have to tell you the well paid morons at Google Cloud and AWS don’t get simplicity. They over engineer useless architected solutions for simple uses. PubNub has it’s weird exception  limitations as well and bureaucracy to just get sales quotes. PubNub is easily  the simplest commercial solution but this open source Flask might be better!  I find PubNub support is quite responsive which is much better than the bigger cloud providers.

I luckily found a very simple solution for PubSub message queuing with Python Flask only. There are lots of limitations with no fault tolerance no redundancy which can be critical .From my point of view, if you want that go with a commercial cloud solution.  There are no dependencies at all including Redis. The less my customer has to install, the better! Let ‘s see this simple demo.

Here is the code and post:

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