Bitcoin Mining Difficulty and Portfolio Allocation Insights

Published: March 15, 2024, 7:54 p.m.

b"In this episode, Brian of discusses two important topics regarding Bitcoin. Firstly, he addresses the increasing difficulty levels for Bitcoin miners, tying it back to articles from He explains their implications and how such changes affected the value of Bitcoin in the past. The conversation gets technical, touching on important concepts such as the meaning of mining difficulty and its possible impact on the price of Bitcoin.\\n\\xa0\\nGET SOME FREE TRADING TECH BOOK PDFS\\xa0HTTP://QUANTLABS.NET/BOOKS\\nJoin our Discord for quant trading and programming news\\xa0\\nDon\\u2019t forget to subscribe to my Substack for more trading tips and strategies! Let\\u2019s keep learning and growing together.\\xa0\\nThe second article discussed is from JP Morgan, focusing on how Bitcoin has overtaken gold in investor portfolio allocation. This part of the conversation delves into why Bitcoin's allocation to investors is 3.7 times greater than that of gold, and what this could mean in the long term. Brian also takes time to question the assumptions made about Bitcoin's demand and how the constant volatility affects perception.\\nThroughout the episode, Brian also casts a critical eye on other crypto debates, such as the energy efficiency of Bitcoin mining and Ethereum's high gas fees. Potential futures for Bitcoin and crypto ETFs are explored too with some skepticism, as Brian questions the stability of these financial products and the viability of deriving them from Bitcoin. The episode concludes with a call to join the community for anyone keen on deepening their understanding of crypto trading.\\n\\xa0\\nBitcoin Mining Difficulty and Portfolio Allocation Insights - QUANTLABS.NET"