AI, Deep HFT, and TradingView Integration

Published: Feb. 27, 2024, 5:26 a.m.

b"Welcome to this episode with Brian from It was an emotional start as we paid tribute to Brian's late dog, Open Source Cody. The highlight of this episode is the exploration of legacy coding projects, notably C++ and Python files, as well as PDF training resources related to High-Frequency Trading (HFT) and quantitative analysis, dating back to 1998. Brian expressed the possibilities of consolidating this vast data trove and leveraging it to build a private Language Library Model (LLM).\\nGet your free trading tech book pdf\\xa0books2 \\u2013 QUANTLABS.NET\\n\\xa0\\nJoin our Discord for quant trading and programming news\\n\\xa0\\nThe episode further delved into the rose-tinted future of programming. Reminiscent of a prediction from NVIDIA's CEO founder, Brian questioned the longevity of programming, envisioning a future proliferated by AI. Despite this, he acknowledged that there would always be a need for human intervention, especially with simulation in a trading environment.\\nAmid the uncertainties, Brian emphasized the importance of preserving coding projects, strategy ideas, and research papers. With increasing advancements in AI and LLM, these resources could be valuable if used strategically. For instance, they could offer an edge to private teams working on similar projects. However, releasing them to the public would be inappropriate, according to Brian.\\nConsistent with the diversification of his resources, Brian announced exciting developments at QuantLabs. He shared that he would be implementing a trading idea from a follower based in Puerto Rico. After building his new website, Brian expressed the intent to focus more on C++ and Python for research and potentially leverage AI.\\nDon\\u2019t forget to subscribe to my Substack\\xa0 for more trading tips and strategies! Let\\u2019s keep learning and growing together.\\n\\nFor ease of trade execution, Brian revealed his platform of choice as TradingView. He detailed how he had found a workaround, using TradingView's PineScript strategy to issue signals to their external environment, thereby allowing trades to be executed from it. While acknowledging some issues with this setup, Brian expressed hope that moving it to the cloud could resolve them.\\nThe episode concluded with discussions on the growth of Brian's Discord and his speculation on the distortive impact of the US's massive debt on global markets. Despite the challenges of an unpredictable trading environment, individuals and HFT shops must strategize accordingly, he advised."