Myth Busters: Wedding Nights & Sexy Test Drives

Published: July 28, 2021, 10:30 a.m.

Welcome to episode #68!
This week, Matt and Braden bust myths about the expectations surrounding the wedding night, as well as taking sex for a "test drive" before getting married.

Myth 1: The Wedding Night
There is a myth in our culture that the wedding night is supposed to be fireworks. Some people think that if it doesn't work out that way, the relationship might lack sexual compatibility. This is a damaging concept because intimacy with a spouse takes time to grow and nurture. The key to avoiding disappointment on the wedding night is to talk about expectations and to understand that sex is about serving our spouse and looking to their interests, not just our own! Take things slow and understand that there might be pain or various things that can get in the way of the fireworks, but it's all a normal part of growing together sexually.

Myth 2: We need to practice sex lots with multiple partners so that we are skilled for our future spouse
We're told that sex is just a physical act, so practicing with multiple partners is necessary to increase your skill level. Only by doing this will we be able to please our spouse. This assumes that sex is just a physical act, but we know from brain neurology that binding neurochemicals are released when we have intercourse that are designed to connect us with one person (our spouse). When we sleep around, our ability to connect with one person is damaged and hindered as that part of our brain chemistry becomes numbed. Spiritually speaking we also bind with those we have sex with, and this inhibits our ability to connect with our spouse. But even if many sexual experiences are part of our past, God can restore us and bring health to us when we invite him into all areas of our life, including sex. Great sex is something that builds within the safety and commitment of a marriage relationship as the husband and wife grow in their intimacy together.

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Stay Tuned
Next week, Matt and Braden bust more myths! Does porn use and your libido have a connection? Will porn be a lifelong battle? Tune in to find out!

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Podcast Hosts

Braden is the Regional Director in Alberta for FamilyLife Canada. He has been married for 12 years to his wife Kristen, and they live in Edmonton, Alberta. He is passionate about seeing marriages grow and thrive, and helping couples move to a deeper oneness with one another and with God. FamilyLife Canada has a variety of resources and events to help you and your spouse take your marriage to the next level. See what would benefit you at


Matt and his wife Louise raise their little guys, David and Oliver, in Edmonton, Alberta. He is honored to do what he can to tackle the epidemic of pornography and sexual perversion in every way possible. Seeing lives and marriages get free and experience the love of God in profound ways is what drives him every day. He leads Restored Ministries, is a certified speaker and coach for the John Maxwell Team, and formerly played hockey in the WHL and for Hockey Canada. You can visit