Life After A Porn Addiction

Published: Dec. 9, 2020, 11:30 a.m.

Welcome to episode #33! In this week's episode, Braden is interviewed by his wife, Kristen, on what changed once he was porn free.

Our life goal should be more than just getting free from porn!
Our main goal in life should be to know Jesus more in a process of growth and healing. If we just fixate on porn and believe that getting sober is the source of our joy and happiness, we will be left feeling disappointed.  Getting sober is a great goal, but pursuing growth is what transforms us. Once sober, we need to keep moving forward with healthy activities, such as community and accountability, relationships with God and others, and healthy outlets we enjoy.

Pursue healthy patterns
Part of pursuing health and growth is changing unhealthy life patterns. That means filling the void that porn once inhabited with Jesus, and restructuring our lives to pursue healthy things.  As we pursue growth, the destructive patterns that surrounded a porn addiction change and we begin to experience the joy that comes from living in freedom and filling our lives with God-given outlets.     

Joy is found in the pursuit of God, not the avoidance of porn
Freedom is not just found in the absence of porn, but in the changed life that only God can bring. We need to understand that we will never find freedom if we are just fixated on managing or changing one behavior. A change in mindset is key so let's not only run away from porn but let's run towards healing and growth that leads to joy and purpose in our lives!


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Next week, Braden and Matt interview guest Marilyn Evans, from Parents Aware and the Media Savvy Moms podcast on what parents need to be aware of while raising kids in this sexualized world.

Porneia Webinar Series: October 3rd - December 5th
Your Pure Freedom Journey starting at just $37/month or $297/year
Personal 1-on-1 Coaching with Matt Cline through Restored Ministries
FamilyLife Canada:  Resources and events to strengthen your marriage
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Podcast Hosts

Braden is the Regional Director in Alberta for FamilyLife Canada. He has been married for 12 years to his wife Kristen, and they live in Edmonton, Alberta. He is passionate about seeing marriages grow and thrive, and helping couples move to a deeper oneness with one another and with God. FamilyLife Canada has a variety of resources and events to help you and your spouse take your marriage to the next level. See what would benefit you at


Matt and his wife Louise raise their little guy, David, in Edmonton, Alberta. He is honored to do what he can to tackle the epidemic of pornography and sexual perversion in every way possible. Seeing lives and marriages get free and experience the love of God in profound ways is what drives him every day. He leads Restored Ministries, is a certified speaker and coach for the John Maxwell Team, and formerly played hockey in the WHL and for Hockey Canada. You can visit