Dr. Fenske: How Porn Affects The Brain

Published: Feb. 24, 2021, 11 a.m.

Welcome to episode #44!

This week, Matt and Braden chat with Dr. Ted Fenske, a cardiologist who deals with addiction medicine and is an expert on the effects of addiction on the brain. Dr. Fenske discusses what porn use does to our brains and how it affects out day-to-day living!

Porn takes advantage of our natural reward pathway in our brain
Porn acts much like cocaine and fentanyl (along with many other drugs) in hijacking the natural pleasure center in our brain. This brings us to the point where we need the advanced and ongoing use of porn to get the pleasure center activated. Good things that may have activated that area of our brain in the past will no longer bring the same joy if a porn addiction is present.

Porn use eventually leads to deep ingrained pathways of behaviour
When we do something that brings about pleasure, a neurochemical called dopamine is released that causes us to feel good. When that is released our brain remembers the activity that we took part in to get that release. When this happens a protein called DeltaFosB attaches to the behaviour that brought about the dopamine release. It creates memory for the action and we become pre-disposed to the action over time. This begins a pattern of behaviour that increases over time to get the same release. We then have to increase or ramp up that behaviour to get the same effect. This creates neural pathways in our brain that act like a super highway. They are well defined and ingrained in us, enslaving us to the prompted behaviour that travels along that pathway.

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Next week, Matt and Braden continue the discussion with Dr. Fenske on how we can re-wire our brains towards healthy patterns.

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Podcast Hosts

Braden is the Regional Director in Alberta for FamilyLife Canada. He has been married for 12 years to his wife Kristen, and they live in Edmonton, Alberta. He is passionate about seeing marriages grow and thrive, and helping couples move to a deeper oneness with one another and with God. FamilyLife Canada has a variety of resources and events to help you and your spouse take your marriage to the next level. See what would benefit you at www.familylifecanada.com


Matt and his wife Louise raise their little guys, David and Oliver, in Edmonton, Alberta. He is honored to do what he can to tackle the epidemic of pornography and sexual perversion in every way possible. Seeing lives and marriages get free and experience the love of God in profound ways is what drives him every day. He leads Restored Ministries, is a certified speaker and coach for the John Maxwell Team, and formerly played hockey in the WHL and for Hockey Canada. You can visit www.restoredministries.ca.