Truth And Cooperative Capitalism: America Must Have A Place For Cooperation, Collaboration, Equity And Inclusion

Published: Nov. 6, 2020, 11 a.m.

Cooperative capitalism is not an oxymoron. It is something we should strive for if we are to move forward as a nation and as a people. We have been so brainwashed by the notion that capitalism and “socialism” are so diametrically opposed that any action that “smells” of the latter is out to destroy the affluent society capitalism has allowed us to build. Bill Stierle and Tom demolish this line of thinking and assert that cooperation, collaboration, equity and inclusion do and must have a place in capitalism. America’s polarized state of affairs is a sad testament of what we need to focus on to bring these things about. Do we want a stable and unified nation? Of course we do. The real question is how do we get past all the divisiveness and let the healing and restoration ensue?

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