Relativism: The Purchasing of Truth Through Perception in Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Published: Feb. 9, 2021, 11 a.m.

Truth is relative, and a big part of that relativity is a person's perception. What one person believes will be relative to their beliefs about how they perceive something as true. Where this relativity starts to become dangerous is when people fail to consider the full range of truth or experiences possible in the human condition. In this episode, Bill Stierle and Tom talk about the purchasing of truth in terms of that relativism. Using the example of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, they discuss how much action has been taken because of the things that have been said, such as the riot and siege on the Capitol. They dig deeper into the ways doubt and skepticism have been planted and the impacts on the efforts in Congress to hold Trump accountable for it all. 

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