Is the American Constitution Obsolete? (Day 1 - Part 4)

Published: Aug. 31, 2012, 1:07 a.m.

b'Americans revere their constitution but are disturbed by growing signs of political dysfunction. We have placed in the White House candidates who have not won a majority of the popular vote. In this time of war, fears of an imperial presidency persist. Gridlock prevents reform in health care, immigration, and other vital areas. An economic crisis generates fears that the system may not be able to respond effectively. Can we solve the problems we face under the current Constitution or does the 21st Century call for a new Magna Carta?\\n\\n
Day 1: The Constitution, Pro and Con / Daniel Lazare and Jeremy Rabkin -- Race and the Constitution / Paul Finkelman and Mark Graber -- Kenneth L. Marcus -- The Electoral College: End It or Mend It? / George C. Edwards and Larry J. Sabato\\n\\n
Day 2: Does the Constitution Encourage Gridlock? / Sanford V. Levinson and R. Shep Melnick -- Judicial Review and Democracy / Mark Tushnet and Stephen Macedo -- The 14th Amendment: Its Promises and Limitations / Sonia R. Jarvis -- An Imperial Presidency? / Richard Pious and Marc K. Landy -- Conclusions and Further Questions / Akhil Amar.\\n\\n
Dean David S. Birdsell introduces the conference, and Thomas J. Main hosts and moderates. \\n\\n
Presented by the Free Institutions Program of the Bernard M. Baruch College School of Public Affairs, on May 4 & 5, 2009, at the William & Anita Newman Vertical Campus.'