Episode 6- Simplifying Your Clinical Practice With Vitas Naudziunas

Published: Feb. 26, 2018, 6 a.m.

This episode we talk shop with Vitas Naudziunas. He is a practicing physical therapist out of Toronto, Ontario. Vitas has worked primarily in the orthopedic setting, in which he has worked with a wide variety of clients including higher level athletes. As a former NCAA and professional basketball player, Vitas has experienced his own share of injuries motivating him to pursue a job in the rehab profession. During our coffee fueled talk, we touch on a wide variety of topics such as the importance of simplifying your practice, challenging your bias, and creating good relationships with your clients. We also chat about his new website, VitasHealth.ca. His site is packed with great free resources such as exercise libraries and blog posts. He also offers a wide range of services including online consultations and mobility programs. This episode is PACKED with great information. In our opinion, Vitas is doing a great job of setting an example for students and other clinicians. Especially with respect to his passion for learning and applying his core values to provide the best care for his clients. So kick off your monday with a fresh cup, and a brand new episode of the PTCOFFEECAST! If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe, rate, and leave a comment on Itunes. We value your feedback!!!! Vitas Naudziunas Website: https://www.vitashealth.ca/ Instagram: @vitasphysio Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vitas.naudziunas YouTube: Vitas Physio The Movement Instagram & Twitter: @themvmtpts Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/themvmtpts/ Coffee Pilot Coffee Roasters: https://www.pilotcoffeeroasters.com/