COVID-19 Long-Hauler Inservice with Jenna Tosto

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 10 a.m.

Jenna Tosto Mancuso is a physical therapist at the Abilities Research Center at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Chronic COVID presentation is known as long haulers which means these patients are in the long haul of symptoms. These long haulers do not present with classic COVID symptoms and do not have a diagnosis in place. Other diagnoses like post viral syndrome and dysautonomia present similar to the chronic phase of COVID. Her presentation “Precision Recovery: Chronic COVID Rehabilitation” discusses the post COVID patient, symptoms, and physical therapy treatment. QUOTES “This is our time in rehab… We can step into the forefront, educate ourselves, get that professional development and understand what is going on.” – JENNA “Don’t be afraid to advocate for the profession. Don’t be afraid to advocate for your patient.” – JENNA PARTING SHOT “This is your time to shine.” – JENNA