Trauma and the Capacity for Gratitude with Heinz Weiss, MD (Stuttgart)

Published: Jan. 23, 2022, 10:23 a.m.


"The acknowledgment of guilt it\\u2019s a prerequisite for reparation.\\xa0There is no reparation without the acknowledgment of guilt and guilt arises when love and hatred come together within the same person.\\xa0There\\xa0is no need to feel\\xa0guilt\\xa0as long as we idealize a good object\\xa0-\\xa0there is no need to feel\\xa0guilt\\xa0as long as we have the bad object.\\xa0When we discover that\\xa0it\\xa0is the same object, that our love feelings and our hatred are directed towards the same object, then guilt arises.\\xa0I think of guilt more as a molecule, not as an atom."\\xa0\\xa0


Episode Description:\\xa0We begin by clarifying the meaning of trauma from its commonplace references all the way to the trauma of parental figures maintaining a malignant view of their child. We discuss the impact of early trauma on development with particular attention to the limitations on the capacity for nuanced affect and symbolization.\\xa0Heinz describes in detail how this level of concreteness lives in the analytic situation and is shared in the\\xa0counter-transference. The analyst\'s ability to imperfectly tolerate the projection of badness into them is demonstrated in his clinical vignette. The patient describes herself,\\xa0There\\xa0is something in me which is part of me and not\\xa0part of me\\xa0which thinks that I only have a right to live if I feel bad.\\xa0We learn how that addictive attachment to dependable badness sustains her until she needs it less over the course of her analysis. The deepening capacity to tolerate guilt and for whole object gratitude marks the analysand\\u2019s healing.\\xa0


Our Guest:\\xa0Heinz Weiss, M.D., is the Head of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at the Robert Bosch Hospital in Stuttgart. He is also the head of the Medical Division and member of the directorate of the Sigmund-Freud Institute, Frankfurt/Main, and Chair of the Education Section of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis.\\xa0


Linked Episodes:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0



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Steiner, J. (2020), Illusion, Disillusion and Irony in Psychoanalysis. London, New York.\\xa0


Weiss, H. (2009), Das Labyrinth der Borderline-Kommunikation\\xa0[The Labyrinth of Borderline-Communication]. Stuttgart:\\xa0Klett-Cotta.\\xa0


Weiss, H. (2020), A Brief History of the Super-Ego with an Introduction to Three Papers: Int. J.\\xa0Psychoanal. 4 (2020), 724-734.\\xa0


Weiss, H. (2020), A River with Several Different Tributary Streams: Reflections on the Repetition Compulsion. Int. J.\\xa0Psychoanal. 101, 6: 1172-1187.\\xa0


Weiss,\\xa0H.(2021), The Conceptualization of Trauma in Psychoanalysis: An Introduction. Int. J.\\xa0Psychoanal. 102, 4: 755-764.\\xa0
