Repairing the Other - Our Planet with Sally Weintrobe

Published: May 2, 2021, 10 a.m.


"I started to notice that the very things that I was seeing in patients on the couch were occurring\\xa0at a much greater macro level in society - the issues of disavowal, of exceptionalism, of abandoning reality if it means that you have to give something up. That is why I got so interested in the subject as an analyst because I thought: We have something to say\\xa0about what\\xa0is happening in the world."\\xa0\\xa0


Episode Description: We discuss the differing states of mind with which the climate crisis is currently being viewed. One assumption is built on exceptionalism with its characteristic omnipotence of thought, idealization, and denial of separateness. The other is object-related with its recognition of fragility, mourning, and the potential for joy.\\xa0

We consider the implications of applying insights from the couch to the culture. We appreciate the importance of \'lively entitlement\' as contrasted with its narcissistic version and how that\\xa0liveliness\\xa0invigorates so many of our passions. We review case material, the recognition of both manifest and latent levels of meaning, and the role of \'therapeutic activism\'. We conclude with learning a bit about Sally\'s early years and its role in her current dedication.\\xa0


Our Guest:\\xa0Sally\\xa0Weintrobe,\\xa0BScHons, Chartered Clin. Psychol., a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society, and chair of\\xa0the International Psychoanalytic Association\'s Climate Committee. Formerly she was a member of senior staff at the\\xa0Tavistock\\xa0Clinic, Hon Senior Lecturer at the Psychoanalysis Unit, University College\\xa0London\\xa0and she Chaired the Scientific Committee of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Her published areas of interest are entitlement attitudes and their relationship to grievance and complaint, prejudice, our relationship to nature and psychoanalytic reflections on the climate crisis. She is one of the 31 Global Commissioners from different disciplines for the (2021) Cambridge Sustainability Report. She edited and contributed to (2012) Engaging with\\xa0Climate Change:\\xa0Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives,\\xa0New Library of Psychoanalysis.\\xa0

Her new book is (2021)\\xa0Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis: Neoliberal Exceptionalism and the Culture of\\xa0Uncare,\\xa0published by Bloomsbury.\\xa0



Recommended Readings:\\xa0

Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Perspectives on the Climate Crisis.\\xa0Hoggett, P. (2012).\\xa0\\xa0

Climate Change in a Perverse Culture. In S.\\xa0Weintrobe\\xa0(Ed.),\\xa0Engaging with Climate Change: Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: New Library of Psychoanalysis and Routledge.\\xa0


Orange, D. (2017).\\xa0Climate Change, Psychoanalysis and Radical Ethics.\\xa0Oxford: Routledge.\\xa0


Randall, R. (2012).\\xa0Great Expectations: The Psychodynamics of Ecological Debt.\\xa0In S.\\xa0Weintrobe\\xa0(Ed.). op cit.\\xa0


Searles, H. F. (1972). Unconscious Processes in Relation to the Environmental Crisis.\\xa0Psychoanal. Rev., 59 (3): 361\\u201374.\\xa0


General Background to the Climate Crisis. Higgins, P. (2015).\\xa0Eradicating Ecocide.\\xa0London: Shepheard Walwyn.\\xa0


Klein, N. (2019).\\xa0On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal.\\xa0London: Penguin.\\xa0


Nixon, R. (2011). Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.\\xa0


Raworth, K. (2017). Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. London: Penguin.\\xa0


Thunberg, G. (2019). No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference. London: Penguin.\\xa0

Wallace-Wells, D. (2019). The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future. London: Penguin.\\xa0

