Episode 072: The Musicality of Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalysis of Music with Roger Kennedy, MD

Published: Nov. 22, 2020, 11 a.m.


\\u201cThere is a musicality at the core of our emotional\\xa0or affective\\xa0life.\\xa0It\\xa0really\\xa0goes\\xa0back to early mother-infant\\xa0communications or innate musicality, or\\xa0what\\u2019s called\\xa0\\u2018communicative musicality\\u2019 \\u2013 the to-and-fro\\xa0of\\xa0the dynamic between mother and baby as really the core,\\xa0the scaffolding of our emotional life.\\u201d\\xa0


Description:\\xa0Dr.Harvey Schwartz welcomes Dr. Roger Kennedy to today\\u2019s episode. Dr. Kennedy is a training and supervising analyst and past President of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He is also a child and adolescent psychiatrist and is now the Medical Director of the\\xa0Child\\xa0and\\xa0Family\\xa0Practice\\xa0in London, which is a private multidisciplinary clinic where he and his staff work with children, families, and parents, specializing in children with complex needs.\\xa0\\xa0


Dr. Kennedy has written 14 books and today the focus is on his latest, which is called\\xa0The\\xa0Power\\xa0of\\xa0Music:\\xa0Psychoanalytic\\xa0Explorations. Dr. Kennedy\\u2019s\\xa0breadth of interests is remarkable. He has written on psychoanalysis and history, on tolerating strangers in intolerant times,\\xa0short stories based on his work with analysands, and he has also written on psychotherapists as expert witnesses in working with people with\\xa0a history of childhood abuse.\\xa0


In today\\u2019s conversation, Dr. Kennedy\\xa0elaborates\\xa0the similarities and differences in listening to music and listening to analytic material. He provides a clinical example where he enabled a patient to hear the way\\xa0she\\xa0sounded\\xa0which became a vital part of\\xa0her\\xa0growing\\xa0self-awareness and with that,\\xa0she\\xa0accessed the freedom to sound different and to tune in to more authentic aspects of herself.\\xa0


Key takeaways:\\xa0

[8:34] Dr. Kennedy explains how the musical and the psychoanalytic world inform each other.\\xa0

[10:45]\\xa0Is listening to music\\xa0a\\xa0narcissistic experience for the listener?\\xa0

[12:57] Dr. Kennedy dives deep into the meaning of the listening experience.\\xa0

[14:45] When you hear what the patient has to say, you can hear the\\xa0rhythms, and what lays between the lines.\\xa0

[16:37] Sounds bring people together.\\xa0

[18:14] Dr. Kennedy shares the reason why he often closes his eyes while listening to patients.\\xa0

[18:52] Dr. Kennedy\\u2019s listening style has changed over the years.\\xa0

[20:01] Dr. Kennedy describes the art of improvisation.\\xa0

[21:22] Dr. Kennedy shares a clinical example.\\xa0

[26:09] Dr. Kennedy talks about how he developed a passion for music.\\xa0

[31:36] The unique experience of treating musicians.\\xa0

[33:45] The delicate balance between destructiveness and creativeness.\\xa0

[34:55]\\xa0Dr. Schwartz\\xa0shares a paragraph from Dr. Kennedy\\u2019s\\xa0writings.\\xa0\\xa0


Mentioned in this episode:\\xa0

IPA Off the Couch\\xa0www.ipaoffthecouch.org\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0


Recommended Readings:\\xa0


Kennedy, R. (2014),\\xa0The\\xa0Psychic\\xa0Home:\\xa0Psychoanalysis,\\xa0Consciousness\\xa0and\\xa0the\\xa0Human\\xa0Soul\\xa0London and New York: Routledge.\\xa0




Wigglesworth, M. (2018),\\xa0The\\xa0Silent\\xa0Musician:\\xa0Why\\xa0Conducting\\xa0Matters\\xa0London: Faber and Faber.\\xa0
