Addictive Pornography: Psychoanalytic Considerations with Claudia Spadazzi, MD and Jose Zusman, MD

Published: Feb. 6, 2022, 11 a.m.


"We are all dependent and potentially addicted as well.\\xa0We regularly use addictive objects whenever we are confronted with a circumstance that brings a lot of pain, emotional pain, more pain than we can bare."\\xa0\\xa0


Episode Description:\\xa0We begin by reviewing how remarkably pervasive pornography is on the internet. Claudia discusses the impact that viewing arousing scenes on a screen can have on one\'s psychosexual development. She describes its effects on our neurochemistry as well as on one\'s capacity to develop creative sublimations.\\xa0The fundamental issue as seen by both guests involves detours from intimacy\\xa0which Jose describes as involving\\xa0dehumanization. This intolerance for what he calls\\xa0\\u201cmature dependency\\u201d\\xa0is seen as underlying the turn to "impoverished, desolate and concrete internal scenarios." We close with a conversation on the challenges of treating patients who experience themselves as dehumanized and unknowingly treat their analysts similarly. Despite these difficulties, the analyst\'s acceptance of such moments contains the seeds for hope and renewal.\\xa0


Our Guests:\\xa0Claudia\\xa0Spadazzi, MD, Full Member Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI) and International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Clinical psychologist, gynecologist, sexual therapist. Visiting Professor in Psychosomatic Gynecology at\\xa0Universit\\xe0\\xa0Politecnica\\xa0delle\\xa0Marche. She has been part of the IPA Committees: IPA/IPSO, COWAP, Public Information, CAPSA, and currently is a member of IPA Health Committee. Co-founder of Italian Psychoanalytic Dialogues. Founder of the Freud\\u2019s bar, an outreach initiative. Founder of the Section of Cinema and Psychoanalysis, Festival of the Two Worlds, Spoleto.\\xa0


Jose\\xa0Zusman, MD President and Training Analyst at Rio de Janeiro\\u2019s Psychoanalytic Society, Post Doc at The Institute of Psychiatry of the\\xa0Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/ Harvard under the mentorship of Edward\\xa0Khantzian, Member of IPA Health Committee and Chair of IPA Subcommittee on Addiction\\xa0


Linked Interviews:\\xa0

The Mind, Body and Soul Podcast: Ep.9: A Gynecologist/ Psychoanalyst Treats Amenorrhea with Claudia\\xa0Spadazzi, MD\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0

Psychoanalysis On and Off the Couch Podcast: Ep.8 A Psychoanalyst Encounters Patients with Addictions\\xa0\\xa0


Recommended Readings:\\xa0

Applying Psychoanalysis in Medical Care, edited by Harvey Schwartz\\xa0


Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update.\\xa0Behav\\xa0Sci 5(3): 388\\u2013433.\\xa0


Kahn,\\xa0M. .M. .R. (1979). Alienation in Perversion, London:\\xa0Karnac\\xa0


Doidge N. (2008).The\\xa0Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, London: Penguin\\xa0


Solms M., Zellner M., Watts D.,\\xa0Panksepp\\xa0J. (2011) Affective Neuroscientific and\\xa0Neuropsychoanalytic\\xa0Approaches to Two Intractable Psychiatric Problems: Why Depression Feels so Bad and What Addicts Really Want Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2011\\xa0


Balint, M. (1968/1979). The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression.\\xa0Tavistock\\xa0Publication. London.\\xa0


Dodes, L (2003). The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors, HarperCollins Publishers. New York.\\xa0


Fairbairn, W: Then and Now (2014). Routledge Publishers. New York.\\xa0


Khantzian, E.J. -Treating Addiction as a Human Process (1997). Jason Aronson.\\xa0

New York\\xa0


McDougall, J (1995). The Many Faces of Eros. W.W. Norton Company, Inc., New York.\\xa0
