Does it Matter? Gaining Awareness.

Published: April 27, 2016, 3 p.m.

Have you ever had a situation that you really could not understand and you found yourself constantly trying to wrap you head around it?   Untangling the energies to get to the truth of the matter?  Did you annoy yourself?  Was letting go simply not an option?  Our patterns are being brought to our attention to look at, analyze and become more aware.  We can engage in thinking that served us in the past or we can get a fresh perspective.  I found myself pondering, wondering trying to understand a situation until I heard that intuitive voice say really loudly.  DOES IT MATTER?   wait....what?   Trying to understand why someone else does something so you can make excuses and excuse behaviour not in alignment with your integrity and understandings is a waste of energy.  Chances are it is not about you at all but a lesson for them.  It is a lesson in learning about yourself.  What you think, how you feel about a situation.  Digging deep and understanding who you are.