Ancient Soul Wisdom~ Replay

Published: Jan. 20, 2016, 4 p.m.

Wisdom.  A word full of intrigue, power and mystery.  Mystery Schools of the past taught the wisdom passed down from the wise ones.  It was a secret to protect the information.  Only those who qualified and passed initiations were allowed access.  The knowledge was kept a secret so that those who wanted to manipulate or exploit others using this knowledge were denied access.  They did not pass the 3rd initiation.  Those that do develop a deeper understanding of themselves.  If you search online you will find many Mystery Schools, I urge you to research fully before signing up.  Many are simply out for your money and are not of high integrity.  This is the way of our world at this time.  Many of you are enrolled in the Spiritual based Personal Mystery School nudged by your soul and in alignment with the Universe, and are already going through the initiations.  Lets chat about this and I will share a Guided Meditation to help you on your journey,  Your soul knows, but do you trust the wisdom?