Transition to Private Dentistry PDP003

Published: Feb. 5, 2019, 6:54 a.m.

b"In this podcast episode I am joined by Dr Dhru Shah, Periodontist and founder of Dentinal Tubules.\\n\\n\\n\\nHave you been thinking about a change of scene, or to move away from the shackles of NHS Primary care Dentistry?\\n\\n\\n\\nNeed to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!\\n\\n\\n\\nMany Dentists have considered making the switch to Private Dentistry. We discuss what it takes in terms of:\\n\\n\\n\\nInvestmentsMindsetEducationEarly career choicesMentorship\\n\\n\\n\\nAbove all, make sure you go in to any new career choice with decisions based upon PASSION, not upon FEAR.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nClick below for full episode transcript:\\n\\n\\n\\nOpening Snippet: Welcome to the Protrusive Dental podcast. The forward thinking podcast for dental professionals. Join us as we discuss hot topics in dentistry, clinical tips, continuing education and adding value to your life and career with your host, Jaz Gulati...\\n\\n\\n\\nJaz's Introduction: Hello everyone, this is Jaz Gulati here. Thanks so much for tuning in today. And thank you just gently for the lovely words of encouragement and support I've been getting so far, it's been so much fun doing this, and I've recorded quite a few episodes now I'm just finding the time to edit it really. So today's a really great episode. Whether you're you know, driving, on a journey, in a commute or having a cup of coffee, listen to this, I think this is going to be really helpful to people listening out there, to young dentists but also to experienced dentist, this is all about a transition, a change, a change from whichever environment you're at the moment to a different environment of let's say, clinical dentistry or place in life you want to be and typically, you know, the the crossroad you find is, or a decision you have to make is a transition from NHS dentistry, for example, or whatever type of practice you're in the moment to something better be it private, or in a mixed position or summer with a better mentor. Today is all about an interview with Dhru. And we really do discuss a few step stones and a few ideas of how the young dentist or even the experienced dentist can make a change from what they're practicing in the moment to where they want to practice. It's interesting, I was on Facebook and I was reading one of the sort of dentistry groups or on someone made a comment in a thread about you know, being an associate versus being a principal. And the comment was from a principal who said that, I think associates are lacking ambition nowadays. Okay? So fair enough, but I'll rephrase it for you. Okay? What do you call an ambitious associate? Okay, it's called a principal, right? So I think all principals have to accept the associate mindset, okay, that they're not going to be as I would even say that associates cannot be as ambitious as principal you totally can be. It's just a different set of circumstances, different places in life, whether you want to be a leader of a practice in that sense, and whether you want to own a business or on a business. So I you know, just because you're not a principal, doesn't mean you can't be ambitious. And that's sort of one thing I want to discuss about today. But for associates, I want to give them a bit of a tip as well, as an associate myself, I like to think that I still do my best and I sort of treat the business as if it's my own as well, within reason, I think when an associate really, really cares for that practice, and cares that business and looks after materials and helps the lifts, practice morale, and even contributes outside of the working hours in any way at all. I think it's really, really important to do that to show you that you are a team player, because ultimately, the success of the business, success of the practice is your success as an associate as well. So I do think associates, if you think that you're just there to do a nine to five and come back and you're not really doing anything to market your practice or to support the principal, then I think, you know,"