Implant Assessment for GDPs: from Space Requirement to Ridge Preservation – PDP052

Published: Dec. 23, 2020, 9:02 p.m.

Learning Dental Implants can be confusing. There are so many layers of complexity, from space requirement, restorative components and surgical nuances. This 2nd part of the 2-part series on Implants with Dr Hassan Maghaireh looks to guide us through the fundamentals of assessing your patient for implants. We cover A LOT of clinical Implantology for GDPs Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below! How do you assess the Implant space for the right mouth in the right patient?When patients ask how long Implants last for, what should we tell them? How long will my Implant Last? How to respond to this? Can you place implants on Smokers? What is the protocol?Bisphosphonates - at what point are implants contraindicated?How can you tell if it's going to be a complicated case?How about Perio Susceptible patients and placing implants?How will Parafunctional patients fare with implant restorations?Who should take the tooth out?! GDP or Implant placing DentistI routinely section molars. Is that a good practice?What is ridge preservation and when to consider this? Protrusive Dental Pearl: How to use a pencil to draw line angles for anterior aesthetic composite restorations. I learned this from Dipesh Parmar on the Mini Smile Makeover course (next course in 2021) Please do not use your wife's Eyeliner If you enjoyed Dr Hassan's style of teaching, do check out the BAIRD Implant Course. If you liked this episode, you will love revisiting Complete Dentures with Mark Bishop! Click below for full episode transcript:  Opening Snippet: Name two patients gave you hell in these 35 years. And he said, people who had history of periodontitis before having implants are going to get or at high risk of getting peri-implantitis after having an implant, so there will always be at high risk. And people who have parafunctional habits will always go into grind and break these implants for you... Jaz's Introduction: Hello, Protruserati. Welcome to Episode 52 of the Protrusive Dental podcast. This is the part two of the implant series with Dr. Hassan Maghaireh. Hope you enjoyed that part one we think about when you're actually getting into implant when you're thinking about starting implant journey. Is it right for you? Because that was the last episode. In this episode. We're getting a little more clinical, reassessing, like what's suitable for your first case? How would you assess the space, the mouth, the patient that might be suitable for implants? What are the patients to avoid? What about smoking? What about Peri-implantitis? What about bisphosphonates? So you really look into the nitty gritty clinical details about selecting patients that are suitable for implants particularly if you're starting out. And in fact, I had to listen to this episode again, because so many gems in there about the timing of extraction. Sometimes I wonder, should I be the one extracting this tooth? Or should the person who's placing the implant be extracting it? So we cover that as well, as well as something I do a lot which is sectioning molars. I'm a big fan of sectioning and elevating molars. And I asked Hassan, Dr. Hanssan what he thought about that, is it right that I'm routinely doing this? Is that a good thing? Or can we run into trouble? So lots and lots covered in this very clinical episode with Dr. Dr Hassan Maghaireh. This episode is sponsored by enlightened smiles and mini smile makeovers. So I want to share a great pearl that again, I get from Dipesh Parmar from the MSM course, which I went on over a year ago. It's one of the best composite courses or courses at all I've ever done. The setup was great, the hands on was awesome. The food is always on point. Thanks to Payman Langroudi, that man. So the pearl I want to share with you is about line angles, right? So when we're placing our restorations,