My time with Frances Swaggart and Rick Joyner-The View Beneath Mishel McCumber

Published: April 6, 2019, 5 p.m.

Previously recorded-The View Beneath: One Woman's Deliverance from the Luciferian Gospel--a new book by my guest Mishel McCumber, who worked for Frances Swaggart and spent time at Rick Joyner's church in Ft. Mill.  She says---What if everything you believed to be true, everything you had built your life upon, was a lie? What if discovering the truth and turning from error cost you everything? The View Beneath is the true story of one woman’s journey into religious deception through the teachings of Rick Joyner, a spiritually dangerous leader that many in the Prophetic and Apostolic movement consider a true prophet. After moving to North Carolina to attend his ministry school, she began her descent into a dark, deceptive movement that took her away from Biblical Christianity and immersed her in another gospel. Part testimony, part expose, The View Beneath is an inside look at the growing invasion of dangerous false doctrine. Mishel investigates deep beneath the surface of MorningStar Ministries, and the people and movements associated with them. She candidly shares her journey as she discovers that beneath the double speak, the Christian-sounding terms, beneath the claims of trips to heaven and divine revelation, beneath the prophecy and claims of a Kingdom ruled by men, what is really being taught is the occult.