Ranking the Movies of 2023 Part 1 (aka 4 Movies to Hate Anybody)

Published: Jan. 5, 2024, 10 a.m.


2023: that was a fucking yeah, huh?

We discovered that watching their movies back to back four weeks in a row was enough to make us hate any director. My eye has only recently stopped twitching when people say the name Cronenberg. Would you believe I even got tired to Guillermo Del Toro? Whodathunk?
We caught up with Scream just in time for it to implode very publicly. We fell in love with a goofy black lesbian and her softspoken brother as they fought a sky manta ray. We learned how to murder someone with a Menu, we learned that babies are made when a woman grows an external rage womb, and we learned perhaps the least effective way to stop an apocalypse by showing up at a gay couple\'s cabin. But perhaps most importantly, Hellbender taught us that the real magical powers were the friends we ate along the way

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