On and Popping - Trailer

Published: Feb. 15, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

My people!!! My name is Luvvie Ajayi and I’m a writer, speaker and professional troublemaker! My side-eye is my superpower, and my love language is shoes. I’ve been blogging for a while, and AwesomelyLuvvie.com is where I go to talk about everything pop culture, from tv and movies, to travel, to social media and tech, to race and politics. I also cover shenanigans.

I wrote my first book, called I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual, in 2016. Because I’m the judgey angel sitting on your shoulder telling you to get it together.

I'm excited to be launching my podcast “Rants and Randomness” after all this time. I’ll be bringing you episodes about books and shows I’m loving, things I side-eye and chatting with people I find interesting. A lot of those people will be my friends, who happen to do dope things. Why? Because I’m a fan of nepotism.

In this topsy turvy world we live in, where Cheetos run the place and our smart homes might be trying to kill us in our sleep, there is a lot to rant about. I’ll be sharing my most pressing rants, raves, faves, and fails from this crazy thing called life.

So join me here, and follow me on social media at @Luvvie everywhere.

Oh and subscribe to Rants and Randomness on Apple Podcasts!