The “shittiness” of being a “shit umbrella” - Kristen Huntley @ NBC

Published: Oct. 2, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

It's another episode of Product to Product, the podcast for / by product people hosted by Roadmunk. This season we’re exploring the product buzzwords you love to hate and hate to love. Each episode, a member of our team tackles one popular product term or phrase with an awesome product person.   This episode we have Kristen Huntley, Director of Product, Personalization at NBC. She's offering her opinion on the buzzy phrase "shit umbrella." While it's not the "warmest" metaphor, this buzzphrase captures a big part of the PM role. But Kristen thinks the definition can vastly improve.  Kristen and our colleague Eleni explore how this term can set up an "us vs. them" mentality for your product teams and how much "shit" a PM should deflect versus translate to their team. Also, is this term a humble-brag or just plain self-deprecating? You can subscribe to Product to Product on iTunes, Google Play or Spotify, or get the latest episodes delivered to your inbox by subscribing here. See for privacy information.