How a 'free forever' product can = rapid revenue growth – Marc von Brockdorff @ Hotjar

Published: Dec. 21, 2017, 1:08 p.m.

The latest episode of Product to Product, a podcast for / by product people, is here. We spoke to Marc von Brockdorff, co-founder + engineering director of Hotjar. Hotjar is on a mission to democratize user data and feedback by making their analytics platform accessible to everyone—no matter how small their website. They’re a startup success story that you don’t hear too often. They’re based in Malta, a tiny island in the Mediterranean, and in 30 months, they bootstrapped their way to over 200,000 users and $10 million in annual revenue. An integral part of their success is their freemium pricing model. Their free forever plan makes it possible for anyone to use Hotjar without ever paying a cent. Roadmunk’s Eleni Deacon spoke to Marc to found out why they decided to build a free forever plan, how it impacts product decisions and how it contributed to their rapid revenue growth. You can subscribe to Product to Product on iTunes, Google Play or Spotify, or get the latest episodes delivered to your inbox by subscribing here. See for privacy information.