Customer feedback is constant and helps grow user empathy–Sarah Pyo @ Shopify

Published: July 14, 2020, 10 a.m.

(Disclaimer: These episodes were recorded prior to the coronavirus outbreak as well as the Black Lives Matter marches.)  Shopify Product Lead Sarah Pyo says it’s crucial for PMs to be close to user feedback; by joining customer calls, reviewing feedback channels and blocking out time with the customer success team. These sessions, called “bridge the gap” meetings at Shopify, remind PMs that empathy is the core of user-centric products. It’s easy to lose sight of this as you’re working with various stakeholders on day-to-day tasks, Sarah cautions. Sarah also says that, for product people, the user is your BOSS. Creating an experience that resonates with them should be prioritized. If you build it, they will come. Likewise, if you build a product users love, you will reap the benefits for your company, she adds. Sarah advises that, in order to ensure your metrics give you real feedback instead of setting up vanity metrics you can gamify, PMs need to have requirements in place while chasing a product company’s ultimate North Star. See for privacy information.