What to Sell Next: Stacking Consumer Product Growth S Curves

Published: June 14, 2018, 10 a.m.

No product lasts forever. Consider yourself lucky if your original product is still in the market for five years– we call it a platinum record if it reaches the five year mark. Some of the products we have developed have been in the market for decades, including the Aeron Chair, which is still being sold 25 years after it first came out. How do you stay on top of the game and keep consumers coming back for more from your brand? An S curve is an oft-used tool in product management and project management, a graph that tracks the growth rate of your sales so that you can align your business development plan accordingly and consistently beat the competition. Learn how to future-proof your business by looking at your product growth S-Curve, and knowing when exactly you should start planning for the next big product to launch.

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