The Engineering Design For Manufacturing Viewpoint with Dennis Shaver and David Recker

Published: July 31, 2018, 10 a.m.

You can take different features from different concepts and combine them into a more cohesive design. The next step is to take all those different ideas and refine the design. Design refinement is where you start to utilize computer aided design tools to start building the product. It’s a terrific tool as a way to visualize the part with all the features that it needs to be able to be manufactured. The CAD file could go directly to a 3D printed part or a machine part. Engineer David Recker says it’s important to have somebody who is in tune with all the different types of manufacturing processes. Work with somebody who’s got experience in that area because it can have a great impact with the choice of process or choice of materials. Dennis Shaver from Products On Demand says you have to make sure that the person doing the work for you has design for manufacturability experience or DFM.

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