Shipping Incoterms And Transit Times with Abby Duffield

Published: July 25, 2018, 10 a.m.

The biggest thing to know about transit time is the different pieces in the entire timeline chain that we’re looking at. Abby Duffield of Shapiro, a customs brokers and freight forwarder company, says sometimes when you’re looking at a quote, more often than not, when it hits the transit time, it’s talking about the port to port transit time. If you’re looking at a transit time for the sea and air shipment, that transit time is going to be from one port to the other. It might say two to three days. That doesn’t mean that your entire shipment is going to take two to three days, it’s going to take longer than that. You want to make sure that you’re planning out fully what the entire scope of this time is going to bring. Learn more about Incoterms and transit times as Abby breaks it down a little bit more.

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