Product Prototypes: When is the Right Time to Prototype It

Published: May 14, 2018, 10 a.m.

Prototyping involves design, engineering, early quoting, sampling, iterations, and a host of other factors that need to get done with the right team for optimal results. You need to make a product prototype or do product sampling after proving, planning, and pricing your model so you can have something tangible to show your investors, to make sure it has the right functions, look or feel, and that you can really sell it in mass market retail. As seasoned product designers, we know that there are a lot of unknowns and alternative ways to make an original product that are not included in the traditional manufacturing process. This is why you have to get the right manufacturers whom you trust, at the right rate and the right time. If you are not hitting your target market, have no core capabilities required in your product category, or doing the product design and engineering is distracting you from running your business, you definitely need to hire a consultant, an engineer or designer who can do the job for you. As an importer or brand owner, you have the higher responsibility to make sure that your product is up to par with your claims to avoid costly and time consuming mistakes– prototyping is a part of the process, and we can help you get it right.

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