Do It Right: Early Stage Funding for Your Business

Published: June 8, 2018, 10 a.m.

We first raised money for an invention way back in 1997 and had around 13 angel investors– way more than what we recommend now that we have learned through our years of professional experience as product designers and entrepreneurs. The two of us are cautious about raising capital via crowd funding because there is truly a lot of pressure in giving small pieces of your company to investors, and often times it does not necessarily go into the best interests of the business. From the perspective of inventors trying to build a company from the ground up, it is absolutely necessary for you to have complete legal compliance when it comes to documentation of your intellectual property, getting a great product or business plan presentation together, and to use systems in place that can help you track your progress. We will be talking about equity crowd funding, warnings about Kickstarter campaigns, important bits on Security and Exchange Commission compliance and many more to help you go through the motions of raising money for your business securely and efficiently.

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