Asian Sourcing Tips with Rhod Needham

Published: July 3, 2019, 10 a.m.

Broadening your lines and reaching out to source products beyond Amazon can sometimes be daunting for many entrepreneurs out there. After all, it is a whole new territory that needs to be tread carefully. If this new territory for you is in Asia, then you are going to be learning a lot from this episode. Rhod Needham, a product sourcing expert and the Co-Founder of Market Source Asia, pours in his knowledge about sourcing for products in this region, giving some great Asian sourcing tips. They specialize in launching products and collections for both global retailers and start-ups, and Rhod takes us into the systems they have in place and walks us through the development process – from getting ideas into products, down to QC and even selling them. Don’t miss out on this episode as Rhod delivers some great advice about designing, testing products, and broadening your reach.

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