Episode 104: Fiber & Constipation

Published: Nov. 21, 2015, 8 a.m.


There is a frightening amount of misinformation about fiber, constipation and general health. Much of what we've been told about fiber has come from processed food marketing efforts and irresponsible (misleading) science. In today's episode I am going to bust many of these myths and share 7 facts about fiber, most of which will probably surprise you. Here's a little hint: increasing fiber is likely to make constipation even worse!


I am completely determined to bust these myths that hold us back from our goals even when we have the best intentions! If you want more of this kind of info (including my free carb strategies for fat loss cheat sheet), let's connect ASAP! Click here to hear more of my tips & suggestions! I want to help you accelerate your results NOW.


