559: The Most Powerful Way to Journal

Published: Feb. 4, 2019, 8 a.m.


For years, I\'ve been a huge fan of journaling. Recently, I\'ve made a shift in the way I journal that has completely changed the game. It\'s made me happier, more present, more confident and more productive. A few of my Masters Club members have begun journaling this way, too, and today you\'ll hear from both of us.

How are we journaling? What does it look like? How did we start?

One of the reasons people struggle to change is that they aren\'t paying attention. I can relate to that!

At 350+ pounds, living paycheck to paycheck,\\xa0I didn\\u2019t want to pay attention.

I didn\\u2019t want to see my body.

I didn\\u2019t want to acknowledge my food choices.

I didn\\u2019t want to acknowledge my inconsistency

I didn\\u2019t want to look too closely at anything - my bank account, how much debt I had, the state of my marriage, what I looked like naked.

None of it. And, not suprisingly, nothing good was happening.

When we don\'t pay attention, we drift.

We never drift someplace amazing.

I am certain this type of journaling will help you create change. It\'s not about accountability, it\'s about action.


I think it\'s so powerful that I\'m going to create an identity journal for the next 12 Weeks to Transformation! You can get on the wait list here.

Random side note: In today\'s episode I mentioned that you can download my Hormones & Fat Loss Guide for free. Click here to get your copy!


Atomic Habits by James Clear

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation & get on the wait list for the Spring 2019 group!

Episode 480: Transformation is Now

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