PS2J 237 News - His Body Is Ready

Published: Feb. 23, 2019, 10 a.m.

Facebook doing more with stuff you didn’t know they were getting. Samsung is making phones that may not even fit in your pocket. A whole lotta books come up as Alan’s recommendation. Josh takes some feedback and has improved his game. Today's bad description: "War veteran trys to radicalize a young man to assisnate key members of the government. " We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. For a discount at live events use and use apn as your coupon code for 5% off. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! And we sell our own shirts at For our own designs, got to PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook