44 : John Largent, Senior Care Family Advisors

Published: March 1, 2018, 8 a.m.

From the river banks of San Antonio, Texas we bring to you today a special treat. With over 30 years of experience in the health care industry, John Largent has decided to take his gifts and talents to the area of Senior Care. John truly sees a need that must be filled with sincere concern and care. As he begins this journey and endeavor, he knows that he’s up against the old traditional ways of doing things. However, for the client, it’s well worth the fight.

You see, John has the seed of compassion deeply rooted in his soul and has been caring for others ever since he was just a kid growing up in a small town in southeast Texas. The challenge is right up his alley. Come listen in and learn how overcoming obstacles has simply changed his perspective on the way he wants to serve others.