42 : Building a Strong Christian Family Foundation

Published: Feb. 24, 2018, 9 a.m.

The basic foundation of anything built must always be built with caution, integrity, intent, and purpose. As a Christian family, we desire to line up our objectives and goals with the way of the Lord. How would Jesus have us do it? What’s important in the household growing up tends to resurface as important down the road for us all. Whether we go through growing pains as a family or we go through growth as a family, we must move together as one. We know and understand that things won’t always be perfect, but we also know that we don’t have all the time in the world. We have X amount of years to raise our children with a strong Christian family foundation.

It’s always comforting to see examples of families on TV that pray together, work together, and stay together as a family as they walk through life. The truth and reality behind it all are that it will never just be simple because of all the challenges that life has to offer. With that being said, what do we look for in order to set up the foundations of the family? Incorporating as much application as possible in the lives of our families is paramount. The scripture states that we must be not mere hearers of the Word but doers of the Word, which means to apply it and walk it out.

What are the basic fundamentals that we can focus on? Well, the first thing I always go back to is the Word of God. You see it’s hard to apply what we don’t know. Engaging in studying the Word is crucial for any family that wishes to follow the Lord and do it His way. Our faith is always grown by doing it God’s way, even when we don’t fully understand it, for I reminded of the verse that states trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Next is prayer life. In all actuality, I probably have the first two in reverse order. Pray and then Do. Prayer in our families indicates that we collectively trust the Lord in all His ways. Incorporating prayer brings a sound joy to the lives of our children. Has your child ever asked you to pray for them? Furthermore, what age did they ask to lead with prayer?

Last but certainly not least is sowing the seeds of time with one another. Some may call it building memories but we must cherish the time we have together, for we don’t have forever to get this foundation down as a Christian family.

What are some of the things that you implement as a family? Is there something that you won’t go without? What about coming up as a child, do you remember a must that was instilled in your family? Connect with us on www.pressandreach.com and let us know.