40 : Christ is the Motivation

Published: Feb. 16, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

It would be awesome to simply be motivated upon every turn in life, so that we could overcome all that comes up against us. Motivational Monday has a great ring to it but if we don’t have a true understanding of life, then that old motivational speech will get us to lunch time at best. Personally I think motivation is great but if we don’t put anything behind what we are motivated in, then what’s the purpose? I’ve heard people place their hope in great motivational speakers and really life them up and place then upon an untouchable pedestal. However, may I simply ask this question? What do you do when they are not speaking in your ear? Will you move into purpose? Will you stand with an understanding of who you are? Will you have more than enough to get you by in life for the day?

Often times people struggle for not knowing or understanding what they are really looking for. Some seek happiness in a relationship with someone that they think will bring them into full happiness, but we know that never works. Others seek purpose and fulfillment in their business or their job, but after years of disappointment, they find out that it was truly of no avail. It seems like this is a pattern for years to come until we become hopeless in our pursuit.

Amongst friends and family I can simply ask questions that lead to uncovering their hope. When I find that someone doesn’t have that answer, it makes me wonder why we have got so far away from the truth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. After all, he suffered, died, and was buried for our sins so that we would have eternal life.

Believing on and in Christ seems to be too simple but why will we look everywhere else as if our lives depended upon it? It seems too easy to be true but the power of the Holy Spirit in us teaches us how to have better relationships, a better business, a better understanding of finances, and simply how to have a better life of peace.

The scripture points out that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and that knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Prov. 9:10). This really means that we begin to have reverence for who God really is, then we begin to get on the right track. Furthermore, when we have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, we gain understanding. This should be enough to excite anyone. So it leaves me to this one question. Do you have knowledge of the Holy One. In other words, do you have a relationship with Christ yet, if not, then what are you waiting for?

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