138: Breastfeeding, Troubleshooting Your Baby

Published: Aug. 19, 2018, 4 p.m.

Newborns are hard wired to breastfeed and are born with instincts to help them latch on right after birth.  But that doesn’t mean it always goes perfectly right from the start. Many new moms expect breastfeeding to come naturally without many issues.  In reality, breastfeeding can take practice and patience as you and our baby navigate breastfeeding for the first time. There are a lot of issues that can come up during breastfeeding in the first few days, and even months down the road. The more you know about the small speed bumps you could run into the more likely you are to be able to get over those and correct small issues before they become big problems.  This episode is focused on troubleshooting issues that could show up in your baby like jaundice, tongue tie, yeast infection, thrush, food allergies or sensitivities, nursing strikes, sleepy babies, cluster feeding, growth spurts, and spitting up.


Show notes: http://pregnancypodcast.com/episode138/


Thank you to Zahler for their support of this episode. Zahler makes a high quality prenatal vitaminthat has the active form of folate, that I prefer after all of the research I have read on folic acid, plus it has omega 3s and DHA.  This is the prenatal vitamin I take and the one I recommend.  Zahler is offering an exclusive discount to listeners of the Pregnancy Podcast. To check out the vitamin and find out how you can save 25% when you buy a one month supply on Amazon go to http://pregnancypodcast.com/vitamin/