Endometriosis, Fertility, Postnatal Support: How Naturopathy can Help

Published: May 2, 2019, 2:06 a.m.

Emma McLaughlin is a mother and naturopath who specialises in women's health, with her own lived experience of struggling in the postnatal years with depletion when her children were young. In this show she speaks with host Kimberley about how naturopathy can complement allopathic efforts to enhance health and actually achieve optimal, thriving health status, rather than just surviving.

Emma McLaughlin is a Naturopath from the Health Lodge, Byron Bay.


First aired on 8 April 2019 on 99.9 BayFM Byron Bay Australia.

Copyright PBB Media and Kimberley Lipschus 2019
Produced and presented by Kimberley Lipschus