Safety Moment - Why Stop Work May Be A Bad Idea

Published: July 1, 2015, 6 p.m.

Whoa...That is a dangerous title for a safety podcast.  What could be wrong with the Todd Conklin fellow?  Has he lost his mind?  Is he crazy?  You be the judge.  Safety people have for too long rested on the idea that having a strong "stop work" policy is the strongest and best safety program any organization could possibly have.  I say, "that's crap!"  In fact, if you are counting on stop work to save a worker's life  - that means all of the other safety programs you have in your entire organization have failed both you and the poor worker on the front line.  I will make a case that stop work makes leaders lazy..... really lazy.  Listen to this episode, safety folks, and see if you can help think of a better way to package the idea that any worker has the power to not do something that will hurt them.  Just an idea.  See what you think?